A similar incident took place in September last year when an Argentinian lawmaker was caught on camera groping a woman before partially pulling down her top and kissing her breasts during a virtual session of the country's lower house of Congress, as also previously reported. Jamaican porn scenes feature a mixture of black men having sex and white people on vacation enjoying a bit of local flavour, particularly adventure seekers eager to try something new. In October last year a child's mother accidentally entered the frame of his camera completely naked during a live class on Zoom. Jamaica, known for its lush jungles and friendly people, is an island nation in the Caribbean that serves as a popular travel destination, largely for Americans. A investigation was launched against the teacher after the video went viral. In April, a Colombian teacher was caught on camera lifting his wife's top and kissing her breasts during a live Zoom class with his teenage students, as previously reported. This is not the first time a teacher has been caught in a compromising position during a Zoom call. 'She's having sex on camera.' The woman filming the video then appears to urge the meeting's host to turn off Graham's camera. 'What the hell!?' the woman filming the video can be heard expressing her shock over the explicit act before calling out to a woman named Tiffany to check out the footage.